Especially for BEGINNER GARDENERS, we strongly recommend the following :
1. Pre-Soaking in weak black tea. All seeds germinate better when soaked for 24 hours in a saucer with weak black tea (to kill off possible fungus or micro pest larvae). The tea should be changed in 12 hours for a fresh one. 
If you can, use rain water and just add a few drops of your tea into it. Tap water is often too hard for seeds.

2. Keep them WARM (not hot!) in MINI-GREENHOUSE box. Most seeds require warm temperatures to germinate. 
You can use a 10 ltr , or better yet, 60 ltr (less chance of fungus) TRANSPARENT plastic box as a mini-greenhouse.
A great place for your germination box is on top of your fridge's "warm spot" – touch the upper surface of the fridge, usually by the door – it is warmed up a few times a day bu running engine.
Any other spot that is constantly reliably warm, is a great choice, too.
3. Avoid tranplantation shock by never disturbing the roots.  Seed  in empty egg cases (make a hole at the bottom of each cell for drainage), 
fill with a few teaspoons of a good organic potting mix and on top a spoonful of seed raising mix.
 Link to Picture of how to make egg case punnet is in "Need Advise?" section below.
Wet the soil so that it's moist but not soaking, close the box and
 normally you do not need to water again until germination. 
Still check every few days and if the soil does not stick to your finger when you tap it – add a few drops of water. If yor carton punnet seems to get fungus, it is a good indicatior you are overwatering. Take the lid of in a warm environment for a few hours, and try to put the drops of water in the centre of punnet, where the seed is, not on the carton sides. Does not hurt to lightly spray with eco-fungicide (if no gemination yet – young sdeedlings too tender for the spray yet).
Once germination occurred (at least for majority of punnets) – put the germination box into a light spot, but not direct sunlight. 
Young seedlings are very delicate, so transparent walls of your 60 L box will 
protect them from winds and sudden changes of temperatures. 
Keep the lid loosely on for a few days and then take it off. 
Most plants at the 4 true leaf stage are ready to be transplanted
 (right with the carton punnet: when slightly wetted a few minutes before planting they are easily detachable) 
4. Most seeds DO NOT need light to germinate. 
(Exception: strawberries, passion fruit)
A no-direct-sun corner of your patio is a perfect spot for your germination box. 
NEVER put germination punnets or young seedlings into direct sun – they will just cook.
 If you want to harden seedlings before planting into garden bed,
 do it about a week before transplant and read more on the web of how to do it correctly.
5.Mind Germination Rates.
Radishes usually boast some of the highest and quickest germination rates among Organic Heirlooms.
Still please read the following:
It CAN happen , for example , radish in summer ,
but we can NOT GUARANTEE this .
Our seeds are NOT man -manipulated , some are (semi) -wild -
so their germination rates are NATURAL .
In Nature , many of the seeds become food for the ones that do germinate .
A good germinastion rate for ORGANIC HEIRLOOM seeds is
35 -85% depending on variety !
We know it may not sound as glowing as "germination rate : 99 .9%" ,
but we prefer to be HONEST with you and give you the rates that we typically get OURSELVES ,
when propagating the parents of your seeds .
NO Germination at all is VERY RARE , but it MIGHT happen .
If you have followed all the recommendations above , and
feel that it is definitely NOT anything in the Germination process
that could have had an impact (e .g . Germination box forgotten in full sun for a few hours) ,
please CONTACT us , and we will discuss the refund .
We trust your FAIR JUDGEMENT and are always
on all matters !
Germination Rates depend on :
  • Variety. Some varieties like radish usually have 90-95% Germination rate, others, like Nira or Strawberries, are on the harder side to pop up. Mints produce abundance of tiny seeds, most of which will become food for the few ones that germinate. Out of 50+seeds you'd normally get 2-3 plants. Also try to propagate a few more plants than you need to account for the ones which may not make it through young seedling stage. The access can be eaten (e.g. Herbs) or given away to neighbours, schools, kindergartens or local nurseries with a note like "free plant".
  • Temperatures. Example: In Queensland summer Radishes pop up in 2 days, in winter – in 10 days.
  • Propagation method – advise given above.
  • Seed Raising mix – should be loamy, light (not sandy!), peat is often too acidic. I always put Organic Potting mix (2 teaspoons) at bottom of my punnet and 2 teaspoons of Amgrow's Premium Seed Raising Mix on top – so seed germinates in light airy substance and when roots develop, they reach the nutrients in potting mix.
  • OVER-DRIED SEED RAISING MIX/soil : If your seed raising mix (or soil for potting, too) has been stored in a bag that wasn't tightly closed, it WILL over-dy. A sure sign is when you put water on it it does not get absorbed for a while but stays on the surface or runs off. In this case, seeds ABSOLUTELY CAN NOT be placed into it for germination right away! Because all the water you will put on the punnet will race right through while the mix will stay gunpowder dry. It needs re-preparation, which is simply either watering it by and by, several times a day, and only putting your seeds/sprouts into it once you dig into the punnet and can see it is evenly moist (not wet) all the way through. Or- if it is raining at the time, just put your germination punnets with the dry mix under the rain for a few hours. It is very obvious when the soil/mix is overly dry: you water it and it looks all moist on top, but once you make a small hole deeper than the very upper layer, it is all a mix of very dry soil and drops of water, not blended together into a nice moist mass. After the mix is re-prepared, make sure it does not dry again – close the storage bags tightly.
  • Watering – should be even and sufficient: not too much! If you forgot to water, you still have a good chance of seeds germinating when you resume watering. If they are waterlogged, chances are much less. Germination box is great in keeping moisture levels at constant rate.

6. One your seedlings germinated, I can't stress enough how benefitial are FINE sprays of
Organic Growth tonic like Harvest (Amgrow Organix) or analogues (check typical analysis on the bottle to compare) are for them. You can mix a few drops into watering can, too. The spray should contain at least: Seaweed -for root development, Folic Acid for photosynthesising and Fish extract for vital nutrients! High Nitrogen is welcome in this case: for young seedlings it is vital to get stronger and bigger as soon as they can. Then cut on nitrogen for anything but herbs.

If you live in cooler areas, you may want to google for specific questions about overwintering indoors etc.
 Of course you are 
welcome to contact me for advise.


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